close all; clear; clc; s = tf('s');
Consider the transfer function with a single pole in the left-half-plane. By taking the Inverse Laplace of we see that the system behavior will be governed by indicating an exponential decay. This can also be observed by rearranging the equation as and taking the Inverse Laplace to find the differential equation in the absence of an input we can observe that the solution is indeed the solution. Based on these observations we can interpret the change in the output state will be proportional to negative value of its current state scaled by the pole magnitude 𝑝. Regardless of the current value of this will ensure it's next value will "chase" zero. Indeed the equation is the general solution to the equation (where A is TBD) and is guaranteed to decay towards zero exponentially.
time = 0:0.01:10;
f = figure();
for p = -1*(1:2:10)
plant = 1/(s-p);
y = step(plant, time);
plot(time,y, 'DisplayName','pole = '+legendlabel);
hold on
f.Position = [0 0 1300 500];
title('Step Response Based on Pole');
xlabel('time (s)'); xlim([0,10]);
ylabel('magnitude'); ylim([0,1.5]);
legend('FontSize',15, 'Location', 'northwest')
hold off
Consider now the transfer function with a single zero in the right-half-plane. By taking the Inverse Laplace of we see that the system behavior will be governed by indicating an exponential decay. This can also be observed by rearranging the equation as and taking the Inverse Laplace to find the differential equation in the absence of an input we can observe that the solution is indeed the solution. Based on these observations we can interpret the change in the output state will be proportional to negative value of its current state scaled by the pole magnitude 𝑝. Regardless of the current value of this will ensure it's next value will deviate further from 0. Indeed the equation is the general solution to the equation (where A is TBD) and is guaranteed to grow exponentially.
time = 0:0.01:2; %note the difference in time!!!
f = figure();
for p = 1*(1:2:10)
plant = 1/(s-p);
y = step(plant, time);
plot(time,y, 'DisplayName','pole = '+legendlabel);
hold on
f.Position = [0 0 1300 500];
title('Step Response Based on Pole');
xlabel('time (s)'); xlim([0,2]);
ylabel('magnitude'); ylim([0,100]);
legend('FontSize',15, 'Location', 'northwest')
hold off